Monday, December 2, 2013

Normal or Unnormal?

I don't know if any of you have read my dad's blog yet, but I have definitely experienced God's grace.  I will never forget that.  But right now I have a little story to tell.  This morning Oberline comes in and says, "The sick chicken killed the baby chicken!"  I ran out to see if what I had heard is true.  As I  realized  the sad news was true it made me think of what we do.  All of the "normal" people pick on the unnormal people.  Then the picked on people start to turn bitter and make a whole lot of trouble.  Every chance that the now bitter person gets, they try to put people down as much as possible.  What are we going to do?  Make fun of others or love the sick and the unnormal?  Really the only reason  people are mean to others, is because others have hurt and done wrong to them.  BUT do NOT repay evil for evil, but evil for good.  That is my story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Your words are treasure Abby. God has shown you deep waters in your short years walking this Earth, and you will find the words that he gives you can help others to relate to Him. I know the last few days have been hard, but you are weathering these trials very well Abs. God has given you extra measures of grace.
