Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be my guest!

   Today while we all sat down to eat lunch, my mom or dad told me some thing I shall NEVER forget.
I have always wanted some visitors in our house.  I might just get one or two.  My cousin might come to visit us with a friend.  My dad said that he wants to know when it would be a good time.  I said "How about next week, or if he can get tickets tomorrow and come here Friday?"  I might just have a visitor coming!  Oh how fun it would be!  I would show them my horse, cat, two dogs, Abrico, coconut, crém, grape fruit, mangoes, bread fruit, Haitian macoroni, and much much more!

If any one wants to visit be my guest!

1 comment:

  1. Really? Which cousin? That would be awesome! Save some stuff to show us....ha ha
