Thursday, April 7, 2016

The New Beginning

     Greetings to all who read this tounge, if you didn't know I am called Abigail.  I shall be sharing quite a jubilee of news.  Few days past, I (with the help of loved ones around me) created a business, the name is Sweet Abby Genes.  I will be selling delights of the mouth and other things that are pleasing to man.  Take heed, I am not known by Sweet Abby Genes yet, therefore you cannot just type this name into google.  The link is below.  Hopefully all will have merry hearts if one of you has the opportunity to try one of my creations.  May the grace of God be with you...

Here is the link
I tried to write like those who wrote the Bible, it was fun :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Crazy Day Gone Good

     Hello I just thought you'd like to know how my day went.
It started out by shoveling our driveway from the new fallen snow (which is beautiful).  As Logan took the snowblower I grabbed the big shovel and did my best to push it to the edge.  Although I'm more of a small shovel, scoop, and throw type person.  Meanwhile I was wondering why I was shoveling and Logan hadn't even made a dent!  It was then I realized something was wrong with the snowblower.  I helped him fix it and it runs smooth once more!  However this is not the crazy part of the day! This is.
Well it was an average day, you know, Logan, mom, and I just doing school.  Logan asked me to do Latin with him, but I still was working on some other subject so I said in 5 minutes.  In about half that time I hear HUH,HUH coming from Logan.  Here I was thinking he's just trying to get me downstairs quicker so when he hobbled up the stairs I didn't even look at him.  All I said was "So, just screaming for no reason are we?"  Then I noticed he responded with "Abby" in way he only uses when he is annoyed with me, which made me curious.  I followed him into the bathroom and soon found out he was throwing a skewer at a cardboard box when it just suddenly went all the way through his foot and sock!  Which is why he went HUH, HUH.  Blood was dripping and forming a small pool and mom was being frantic.  I did what I could (which was very little) when Logan was feeling light headed and he said the light was all blurry.  Then we decided to lay him down on the carpet with some pillows.  After a couple minutes when Logan was himself again.  I made a comment which was " Hey, now you're just a little more Christ-like." Though when repeated to dad he didn't think it was funny.  

After a while everything was back to normal.  Hours passed and I got a call from Eva (good friend of mine) wanting to go sledding.  When it was affirmed I could go we were standing at the top of the hill in no time.  It was fresh powder and no one he's gone sledding yet.  Which was a exiting thought until I realized I couldn't go down the hill because it was to fluffy! Although I just kept watching Eva glide down like a feather, while I kept digging into the ground with my sled.  After awhile I got a good path going and was able to participate in the activity.  When we got cold and tired we just stayed at the bottom of the hill taking in the beauty around us.  We got up after laying in the snow and was walking toward the playground when I heard a crack under my feet.  I heard it when we were first walking up the hill but didn't let myself see what it was.  However, this time my curiosity overwhelmed me.  I bent down and dug, I hit ice but kept seeing how far it went.  Then began the great mining experience!  Eva and I decided to keep hacking at the ice and we got large and small pieces.  We probably did this for about 30-45 minutes.  The first big one we overturned Eva made a hysterical comment" Ew!  Look at the ground, it's so gross!  You know someone's been in winter to long when they think the ground is gross."  In a way it was true.  Though I tend to miss the light color of dirt.  

A bit later Eva's sister came and picked us up.  As I was opening the trunk to grab my sleds I broke the handle!  Even with hearing Eva say it has happended before I still felt bad watching them depart with a broken handle.  

That pretty much sums up my day, although I wish I was a little more diligent in writing more.  I hope to do so because I just recently found out people still check my blog.  And I hadn't written since October 31st!
Hopefully I will regain my love for writing.  Sometimes I forget what a blessing God gave me by even having this blog. Can you imagine all the things that God blessed you with that you forgot was even there?  That is something to ponder on...

~Requested by a special friend

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Logan's 16th

As most of you probably know, yesterday was Halloween.  Otherwise known as Logan's Birthday.  It is a tradition in our family to wake up the Bday person with Everyone, including Anna.  My mom made him a French Bread casserole for breakfast, which he loved!  Afterward Logan and I shot bee bees and slingshots for a very long time, which I found then found out I am a great aim with the gun!  We had SO much fun together.  Then my family had to clean the church, although we all enjoyed it and Logan didn't mind!  My family had a plan to take to Carnival for his Bday surprise.  Yet, he figured it out right away, and this was his answer "You (me) and mom are terrible liars and Abby said "fine Logan we are taking you to see the movie Antman, ok!"  That's when I knew" said Logan.  Oh well, it was still an experience to be witnessed.  I mean family meeting you there, sliding your birthday gun your papa got you through everybody's lap ( trying NOT to get kicked out), and your Nana sharing memories about how you had your first poo and pee and her house.  What fun!  I think he had a wonderful Birthday.  
Also this was our first Halloween in America for 5 years.  Therefore it was strange seeing kids dressed up like Elsa, Captain America, monsters, and the list goes on.  But it was still fun giving the little ones candy.  
But besides all of what I've said, I am quite happy that Logan got to have Family for his birthday.  I know he missed that in Haiti.  Although I am great full that God let us celebrate yet another birthday of Logan's. He is very kind and loving, and it's nice having someone to relate to.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


     Alright, the mystery is a dog named Anna!  Keep your ears wide open to hear her story!

So It was Wednesday, which is my bible reading day, and I said to the family that each week one of us would pick something to do or request.  So happens it was my day so I said Thursday we should go to the Humane Society!  My dad said maybe we would go, but I was so happy just at the thought of a dog  I could barely do school.  Anyways, my dad said he just looked at the website and saw no Shepherds.  I pleaded with him to check once more and there on the website was a Shepherd mix that was 6 months old!  There was no picture of her because she was new, so when we got there we went right past her because she was black.  We went back and read the tags and there was Anna!  We took her out and played with her in a small room, and she was so exited.  Then we asked to take her out to the play ring outside.  The lady said that's fine, and so my dad watched her every move.  Then we prayed about it and she went right in the middle of us.  Then my dad asked " What do you guys think?"  Everyone knew my answer, yes!  Although my dad knew that a dog lives a long time and we would have to potty train her.  When it was decided they had to interview my parents so I held the dog.  They took about 45 minutes. Then while I was waiting for them, I overheard a lady asking about Anna.  Then she turned around and asked me if we were taking her home.  I said yes, and I  feeling like we got there just in time, then felt sorry for her.
When we left I had already called dibs if we get a dog I would hold her in the car, but you know dogs, they just walk everywhere.  We got home and we played with her and hugged her.  I love her so much, and we have three names for her: Anna, Annie, and Anna Belle.  She does these grunting noises when she wakes up, and howls when I play the piano. We gave her a marshmallow last night and she ran super fast around the yard once.  That was one marshmallows energy's worth.  We are having o much fun with her, and I feel like I have had her for years already.  Yesterday she hid her fake bone and her toys seem to diminish quickly, then we find them, but this time the bone is well hidden.  She just has that instinct in her.  Is that not amazing that God gives the dog that type of knowledge to save?

I know this is short, but the more I write about her the more I want to play with her.  So I might be giving more updates on her every once in a while.

  What a blessing God has given us!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Unique Swimmers

     For a couple weeks now I have been yearning to have some fish to bring our house to life, because we have no animals.  Well, I had to wait a long time and then poof!  We were at Mini Critters , and I picked out a fish type called Mollies.  I didn't know that I had to wait and purify my water for 2 weeks because they were tropical, or something like that.   Disappointed, I got two gold fish and put them in a vase.  My oh my they were cute, and I watched them at night with my mom before bed.  They were circling the top so I put food in thinking they were hungry. I woke up next morning and one was dead.  I realized they didn't have any oxygen, so with the remaining one we put him in my 10 gallon tank that had a heater for my tropical fish.  Right when we did so he was swimming happily and then, zap, my fish was dead.  Couple minutes later I realized I had electrocuted him!  Turns out my thin glass for my heater broke and filled with water, which killed my fish. What a great fish owner I am!  So we decided that we would just wait for the water to be right until we add fish.
     I waited and waited and then forgot about fish one day, Monday.  Anyways it was a super busy morning and afternoon because we were helping my Grandpa, who owns the Steak House, line his dining room with tape and plastic and lying down drop rugs.  They were going to repaint.  It doesn't sound hard, it just took time and tiny strength. Well about noon time my dad wanted to take me somewhere.  We were just about to walk out the door when everyone got hungry, so we made hamburgers.  Then I was assigned to the job of fill salt and pepper shakers.  Not fun for the nose.  The whole family helped me with that one because there was so many to fill.
We then left with the family to be back at 2:30, my dad and I made a quick stop at the house, which turned out to be 45 minutes of talk with mom.  I was waiting patiently and started to clean my room, then my dad said "Lets go, what are you waiting for?" I replied "Me? You're the one talking."  I watched him go into my room so I followed.  Most kids know if there dad comes into their room for no reason, something is up.  He was taking water out of my fish tank! I knew what that meant!  So we left for Mini Critters and for bought 4 Mollies.  They were beautiful and so interesting to watch.
Well next morning one of my girl fish was dead, because I stressed her I guess. So we replaced her with a new white one.  Although, nature took its place in my room.  I put the white one in the tank and my fish who just lost his girl was still grieving, so the other male took over both females.  I just want to separate them, but nature is nature.
Good news is , I still have 4 fish for over 24 hours!
Little tip like what they have in movies: Stay tuned and keep watching for the next interesting blog that tells its story about something black and white. Can you guess? Better come back to find out!

Isn't the creatures God makes amazing?  Therefore I thank God for these unique fish, and that I get the honor to watch them.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


     It has been awhile since I have written anything, except for school.  I am trying to start once more.
Any ways, as you may know my parents have been back in America around 3 weeks now.  It has been great seeing them again.
  Also my Nana has offered her house for us to live in, while she goes to an apartment.  She has been wanting to go to a apartment for awhile now, so nows the chance!  My family has been helping her move little by little to her new place.  Although Friday was a rarity!  I was helping load lamps when I saw a shivering dog.  I tried to call her but she was too scared and cold.  When I saw her she was shivering and had a hurt back leg.  I asked my mom to help me and we eventually got her in our warm arms.  I brought her inside and held her, she was precious.  I didn't know what to do with her though, because my Nana had cats and my parents were leaving for the apartment.  They didn't want to leave me there with what we thought was a stray dog.  They eventually left with me winning the argument by NOT calling the kennel people.  So I was holding the short haired dog giving her cat treats (which she loved!).  I was waiting for my Nana to come home so I could ask her to take me and the dog to the vet, because my dad thought she looked sick.  So we left, and I was carrying the pup in a cat bed.  We walked in and right away they let us into a room.  They scanned the dog with a white round thing and found that she had an address.  Now a days people make tracking like devices the size of a rice kernel that the animals swallow.  The vet people eventually found the address and called the owner.  The owner came right away and was so happy to see her Chihuahua.  The owner said she lost her the morning before and thought she was dead, because it was freezing outside!  The little old dog walked about 2 miles all the way to where I was.  I was happy the dog found its owner and so wee the vets.  They didn't charge us or the owner a dime!  So we thanked them and went back to the house.  I thank Jesus for Tricksy ( that was the dog's name) finding us to find her person.  I had lots of fun taking care of her.  

Monday, March 2, 2015

Separated In God's Hands

     Well,  February 23 2015 Logan and I boarded an airplane.  It was our friend Ken, who said he had 2 seats available.  We weren't expecting it so soon, but we were planning to leave somewhere in April.  It was hard leaving mom and dad+ all the new and old members of the family.  We don't know how long we will be staying in America this time, but  think it is for a time.
     Our airline ride was long and we had to fly 3 extra hours.  I met new friends on the airplane (adults), and played many card games and hand games.  Some of the people I knew on the plane were   Brandon, Mark, Sue and Chris.  The first 3 I played most with, for how the seats were arranged.  
We hit some turbulence on our last bit of flying.  When we landed the door opened and it was freezing!  I felt like I was in a deep freezer!  Then I saw something it was my Grandma and Grandpa!  I hopped of the plane (leaving my bags) and hugged them inside.  I had been looking forward to that moment for weeks.  
     When we were leaving the airport, Gma and Papa said that they were there at 3:00!  We landed at 5:00, so they were there 2 extra hours.  They said they were told 3, but since we hit turbulence it was longer.  
Then we went to a restaurant call 316.  We had lots of fun, and I had a root beer float!  
     When we arrived home, the next day we saw the whole family that lived in Brandon.  It was fun seeing everyone, and I can't wait to do it all again some other day!
     I must admit I was hoping for more snow and not so much cold, but I still enjoy the little snow that gets licked into my mouth.  
     I do miss my parents a lot because we don't know when they will be coming back.  It could be weeks, it could be months.  It is in God's hands though, and I don't think he will keep us separated for long.  
     I can't wait to see them again, but I'm glad that i'm with family.  I thank God that Logan and I have  such caring parents to let us go ahead, and such caring Grandparents that let us stay with them.  So much to be thankful for.