Saturday, May 18, 2013

An Adventure to be shared

Today my family and Oberline went up a mountain.  We were going up the mountain because Oberline wanted to see her family again.  She was so excited to see them she kissed the two ladies that she loved.  Even though they were mean to her she loved them. When Oberline was a restavic she would come down the mountain, and we would give her some clothes or some thing to help her.  Every time we went to see her she was in rags again, and the other kids were wearing the things we gave her.   This time when we went up with her, a little boy just popped a headband off her head and slowly went in the house.  It made me a little bit mad because they were taking things from her like they did when she was a restavic.  I watched the little boy grab some clothes on the rock and put the headband in the clothes.  He saw me watching him so he smiled with a guilty look on his face and just kept wearing it.  

There was a pastor with us too who wanted to show us his house.  We walked for a while then came across his house.  My brother, Oberline, and I stayed outside stitting on a coconut tree that had fallen over and regained its roots.  When my mom and dad went around back, the pastor's wife saw them and wept with tears of joy.  When we came in she started to wash all of our feet and hands.  We were a little bit embarrassed that we were so dirty.  After she washed our feet, the pastor brought some coconuts to drink.  We enjoyed those too.  The wife went in the house and yelled " John cut some abrico for them."  Abrico is my favorite fruit in Haiti.  Then we went to sit on the tree again and a guy started yelling at us down the hill saying to get down.  He was just doing it to be cool in front of his friends though.  

I walked back in the house and my dad said, "Abby we got a rooster."  I asked how?  He said your mother said in English "that is a pretty bird" and now we have a rooster. Wow!  How many gifts they gave us.  My dad said, " no you blessed us to much!"   She said no, God has blessed me because my daughter was suppose to die but God saved her life.  Amazing!  We came down and I could barely walk.  I was so hot and tired.  I think went over 4 or 3 mountains.  It sure felt like 10.  How amazing God is.  We should all be like that Haitian women, filled with God's love and spirit! 

1 comment:

  1. i love your perspective Peanut. Proud of you for making it all that way today. The only time you just about caved was when we were all about to collapse. Good job kid. :)
