Friday, May 24, 2013

Glorifie God

A couple days ago I was playing jump rope with my friends.
I saw my brother just running through the rope.  I tried to do the same but the kids swinging the rope let go.  I fell hard in mud and tried not to cry.  I was looking for Logan I knew he would help me.  I found him petting a calf on the other side of the field.  I tried to get to him fast because I was getting laughed at.  A couple days later I went to a Haitian hospital to get a X-ray.  I broke two bones but they are straight so they should heal fast.  I have a cast now it's red.  It's hard to write because I am using my left arm.   A lot of eyes look at me when I go some where.  All I know is some how this will glorifie God.


  1. It will sweetheart! I love that you went looking for your big brother for help! You two are close.....I love you Abs!

  2. Hang in there Abby. You are such a trooper. Do people sign each other's casts in Haiti?

  3. Just by posting this experience you are glorifying God, and I believe there is a lot more glory to come from this experience. I am so thankful that God gave you such a great big brother that you can turn to for help. I see Jesus shining through both of you. We cannot always see what he is doing in somebody elses heart. Keep doing what you are doing honey. I will pray your arm heals quickly. I love you, Abs and I am so proud of both you and Logan.
